Our next club meeting coincides with our show in August. Please join us on Saturday, August 7th at 6:00pm.
Show location Canfield Fairgrounds, Route 46, Canfield, OH 44406.
Westies are in the Government Building, in front of the grandstand. Our club supports the entries Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Thursday, 10 AM
Friday and Saturday 9 AM
Sunday 8:30
Westies will be in the ring anywhere between 1-3 hours each day. Lunch is served Sunday after the judging is over, potluck picnic Saturday evening 6 PM.
Lots of “westie people” will be camped around the Government building, so consider visiting during the afternoon as well. There is much to see, and we will have other wonderful breeds showing too. We have over 2000 dogs entered, and lots of vendors too!